Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting your flirt on

Flirting is not something I'm naturally good at. I've realized that over the years. I'm not sure if it's because I'm shy, or it's due to situations in which I have no idea what the best route to take, but I find that I'm just not very good at it. I'm not one of those girls that you see at a bar, who flips their hair, stares you straight in the eyes, and obviously plays hard to get. No, that's not me.

That being said, I like when a guy flirts with me. A nice guy, of the variety who wants to get to know me, and has some flirting thrown in. And given the right conversation, I can flirt right on back.

The plus side of this kind of flirting is that it feels good. It's a seriously nice boost to my self-esteem after the funk I've been in. It was amazing to have those butterflies fluttering away in my stomach, beating rapidly. It was also amazing to learn that to some guys, I'm still sexually attractive and not as washed up as I thought I was.

All in all, a good night and a nice change of pace.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hump Days

When I used to work summer camp, we would call Wednesdays "Hump Days" because it was the point in the week where we were halfway through a fun week, as well as half way to being done. That being said, it was one of those days that had the perfect amount of "hurrahs!" to "hums".

Personally, I've been having a lot of hump days lately. Days where I thought nothing was right with the world, that I, as a person, had yet to achieve the goals that I wanted in life, and that I was lacking meaning in my life. Yes, my dear readers, meaning. For lack of a better term, I was having an existential crisis.

A large part of this crisis was around the topic of being single, which is definately not a comfortable stance for me. I find that I am at the point in my life where many of my friends are getting engaged, married, or inleast shacking up with their significant others. I'm in one wedding this summer as a Maid of Honor to one of my best friends and helping two others with their own weddings, one in October of this year and one in October of next. Like it or not, I've got wrapped up into wedding mode.

Now don't get me wrong, I've very happy that my friends are getting married. I have hug them in celebration, I have cried from happiness, I have sent engagement cards. I tried to celebrate with them in their happiness.

And it worked. Until I found out that my ex-boyfriend was engaged and I was still alone.

Now, I know that being single is not the same as being alone, but I felt that way. I sometimes still feel that way. I feel that I am wondering aimlessly in this world of paired off couples and I am doing it alone.

That being said, I don't think that there is one easy answer to this question. Rather, I think it's a journey, a journey that I've been on for a while and I think I will be for a while.

Mind you, an exit ramp in the shape of a guy who wants to date me, than propose to me, than marry me, would be absolutely lovely. A girl can dream, right?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Being a bad, bad blogger

It's been over a month since I've written on my blog. For the sake of the three people in the world who may or may not read my blog, I'm sorry. I've been a bad blogger. If you could see me now, you would be able to see that I am scolding myself as we speak (uh... type).

Anyways, I won't provide you with crazy details at this time, but they will be mentioned/talked about in future posts. Needless to say, there is more to loving yourself than meets the eyes (or Valentine's Day).