Sunday, April 24, 2011

In which Tara does something borderline crazy

I, Tara, made a rational decision the other day.

I decided it was time to start running again.

Now, I know some of you are sitting there going, well, so what. Lots of people jog, run 5K/marathons/Ironmans, what's so different about you?

Honest, nothing really. I'm just a lazy couch potato of a person who watches the joggers go by on my daily walk to and from school who's like, hum, that could be interesting. At the same time, everytime I have those thoughts, the other part of my brain goes, you know, your knees, they can't handle it. Just keep walking.

So I decided on Friday to say, screw you knees, I'm going to try. I used to love going out for a run and I want to. So there.

And I did it. More or less. I ran 3 minutes out of 30, but today, I ran 4 minutes out of 30. You might be lying on the floor, roaring with laughter, but I am proud of myself. I know that if I keep going, I will make it to 5 minutes, than 10, and eventually 30.

So I just need to keep running and keep telling my brain that I can do it. Contrary to popular belief.

1 comment:

  1. That you took the first step is a big win in itself. I am the poster child for laziness and I tried running the other day as well and while it felt good, I kinda got bored after a bit. I need to go back out again.

    But keep it up :)
