Saturday, January 8, 2011

The art of calling it a day

I decided this afternoon that I would fit in the workout that I didn't do yesterday. My goal was to do a 50 minute Budokon so that I would fit my workout in, switch things up, and get a good work out.

Long story short, I ended up giving up about 25 minutes in. I couldn't do it anymore. My muscles were screaming, I wasn't liking the feeling, and I thought that inleast the first part (yoga) would be done by now. Not so.

Now, I can be a world class giver-upper when it come to exercising. It's true. But at the same time, after years of yoga, I've learned that if I'm feeling pain, I need to take a step back and modify or stop. In this situation, after 25 minutes, I decided that stopping was the best option.

Nevertheless, I find I still have those feelings of, "I could have stuck it out!", "Don't be a quitter!". And feeling those things are rough, but necessary. They are what help motivate me to try and get myself out there, into physical activity, to lose that weight. At the same time though, I have to help myself and by helping myself, it means not injurying myself. To me, these two sides need to be balance and it is something I will continue to strive to do.

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