Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Dating Game

Sometimes, you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. This is one such story.

A few weekends ago, I went to a hockey game where my old alma mater was playing my current alma mater to see my old boss. The game was loads of fun and I was able to meet some fellow alumni who, needless to say, were much older than me. I did not see this as a problem though, simply due to the world of networking.

I got an e-mail last Friday from an old boss of mine. In it, he said that this guy he knows thought I was interesting. Now, being the shallow person I can occassionally be, I decided why not? Send me his contact information.

Long story short, it turns out that after a little bit of internet stalking, that the guy who wants to get to know me graduated in... 1986. Yes, he graduate when I was two! Which makes him about 47 now.


Now, not that I would suggest doing this, but I decided that I'm really not interested (especially since he is almost as old as my father). So I'm deleated his e-mail and moved on with my life, thinking everything is going to be A-ok. Not so! Turns out he has my e-mail address and wants me to give him a call. That e-mail got moved to the deleted pile as well.

Long story short, the dating world is weird and wild, plus not necessarily filled with people that I would like to get to know on a personal, romantic level. That being said, I wish the 47 year old the best of luck, hopefully with someone else.

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