Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week Two Weigh-in and falling off the wagon

A few days late posting, but inleast I've got around to it!

As of Monday, January 10, 2011, I have lost about 2 pounds via exercise and eating properly. Not bad for the first week!

That being said, I then promply fell off the wagon. I did not exercise either Monday or Wednesday, and was unable to go to my yoga class on Sunday. Needless to say, the only person to blame is myself and more specifically, tooth pain. Yes, I did not exercise because my tooth hurt. It's a terrible excuse, but it's true.

So I decided to inleast due something today, so I did about 10 minutes of ab exercises. True, it's not the ideal, but it's better than nothing. Also, it will remind me to get back on the wagon again. Sometimes, it's those baby steps that get us to our goals.

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